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내 슬픈 창녀들의 추억 영어로


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  • Memories of My Melancholy Whores
  •     내1 [연기] smoke; fume.내2 ☞ 냄새 그의
  • 슬픈    tristful; sad; tearful; lamentable; sorry;
  • 추억    추억 [追憶] recollection; reminiscence;
  • 미녀들의 수다    Global Talk Show
  • 처녀들의 저녁식사    Girls' Night Out (1998 film)
  • 카르멜회 수녀들의 대화    Dialogues of the Carmelites
  • 슬픈    tristful; sad; tearful; lamentable; sorry; dolorous; dolent; weeping; lachrymose; mournful; plaintive; sadly; tragic; regretful
  • 추억    추억 [追憶] recollection; reminiscence; remembrance; retrospection; a retrospect; a memory. 옛날의 그리운 ~ a good old memory. 어린 시절의 ~에 잠기다 be lost in memories of one's childhood. ~에 잠기다 reminisce / indulge
  • 섬란 카구라 섬란 카구라 -소녀들의 진영- 섬란 카구라    Senran Kagura
  • 밀통;창녀    brothelry; prostitution; world’s oldest profession; harlotry; strumpetry; whoredom; sluttery
  •     내1 [연기] smoke; fume.내2 ☞ 냄새 그의 입김에서는 술~ 가 난다 His breath reeks[smells] of liquor. 무엇이 타는 ~가 나지 않습니까 Can't you smell something burning?내3 [시내] a stream; a streamlet; a brook; a brooklet; a rivulet; a
  • 내 …    my
  • 들의    field
  • 구슬픈    wistful
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